
Week Number 88

1) What was the most powerful moment of silence you've ever experienced?

2) What are friends for?

3) What one school subject has turned out to be the least useful or worthwhile? Is that a surprise?

4) What kind of power do you want most?

5) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.

Public Domain Photo

7 curious comments:

Cat. said...

I'm up.

Serena said...

This is mine.


Anonymous said...

1) What was the most powerful moment of silence you've ever experienced?
The moment that the power went out in August of 2003 (in New York City...no way to know why in the building I was in).

2) What are friends for?
To replace your family with people you actually like.

3) What one school subject has turned out to be the least useful or worthwhile? Is that a surprise?
Anything above elementary school math and it is not surprising.

4) What kind of power do you want most?
The power to be a catalyst for change.

5) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.
The photograph reminds of the second time I ever met my father (who left my mother and I when I was two). He lives in San Fran and I had two weeks of vacation so I figured, rather than burden him with spending all that time with him, I'd check out Point Reyes. I didn't see either one of the animals pictured but I did see a lot of wildlife. And I've never seen my father again.

Cat. said...

Wow, Anonymous--great answers! I especially like #2. Very true.

Melonie said...


Mine's finally up! :-)

Yes, Anon did give a great one on #2. Good call. Very true.

Black Cat said...

This is fascinating, I just might play...
Checking in from Brighton, England.

Anonymous said...

I've started a new site that will be listing and featuring memes.
Please check out memedirectory.com to learn more or if you'd like a free listing.